Daniel Kremer's recent voyages to India have an upcoming feature-length film currently in post-production. The Idiotmaker's Gravity Tour stars ConFluence-Film veterans William Cully Allen (A Collection of Chemicals) and Glenn Walsh (A Trip to Swadades), and welcomes various new faces to the ConFluence repertoire, including actress of the New York and Los Angeles stage and screen Alanna Blair (Frogtown), Julie Edelstein, K.J. Linhein and Peter Brunette. The film boasts exciting filming locations in California's Humboldt County, Montreal and, especially, rural and urban Uttar Pradesh, India, including the beautiful city of Varanasi. The film tells the story of 57-year-old Max Plugin (Allen), a flamboyantly irreverent, Bob Dylan-spouting relic of the 60's who ran away from home at the age of 16 and hitched across country. Around this time, he met a man on his journeys named Teschlock, a guru-like figure who wanted to take his five disciples with him to live at an ashram in India. Max begged off to return to his family and finish school. Forty years later, Max finally arrives in India to find the mysterious, unknown and unmarked gravesite of his master Teschlock who, it is rumored, died while burying himself a year after his arrival there. Max's journey forms the heart of this exciting film, Kremer's first in over two years. The film also sports a cast featuring a host of talented Indian citizens who discovered their acting chops with this film.